måndag 27 februari 2012

The Fire Flame... A hot fly for cold water!

The Fire Flame is just a great cold water pattern that I have had great sucsses with the last 5-6 years. It may look like something from a Drag show but it sure will catch fish. The combination of the colours comes together well in the water and it's there the flies will catch fish, not in the fly box.

Tread: Orange

Tube: Fl Orange Eumer

Ribb: Oval Gold Tinsel or Twisted Orange Mini Flat Braid.

Body: 1/2 Mirage Salt Water Flash 1/2 Hot Orange Dubbing.

Wing: A bunch of FL Fire Orange Bucktail tied in forward and the folded back, 2 strands of Holo Fuchsia Flashabou, 2strands of Holo Blu Flashabou. FL Red Fox Hair, 2 strands of Holo Red Flashabou, Blue Fox Hair, Purple Fox Hair, and 3 Peacook Hearls bleeched and dyed FL Red

Hackle: First, a Red Soft Hackle tied in after the red Fox hair. Second a Yellow Soft Hackle tied in after the wing as a collar.

Cheeks: JC dyed Hot Orange

Head: FL Orange Eumer Monster Cone or Cone Head.

I also make a zonker version of this pattern and just change the fox hair against a Fuchsia/Purple zonker stripe and the Peacook hearls against Holo Red Flashabou. I still use the FL Fire Bucktail as underwing.

lördag 25 februari 2012

The Fly Tying Tour in the North of Sweden!

We had a great time visiting three diffrent tackle shops in Sundsvall, Övik and Skellefteå. Bauer, Drugge and myself showed are diffrent tying techincs and fly patterns.

måndag 20 februari 2012

Fly Tying Tour

This week Mattias Drugge, Nicke Bauer and myself will go on a short fly tying tour here in Sweden. Are first stop is PO'S Fiske in Sundsvall on thuesday. On wednesday we will be at Naturkompaniet in Ö-vik and the last stop will be at Cykel och Fiske in Skellefteå on thursday. I looking forward to meet all Fly Fishing friends and also meet new people to talk fly tying and fly fishing with! We will show new stuff from Fly Dressing, Eumer and Vision.

söndag 12 februari 2012

Fly Fishing Fair in Sandviken

Had a great day at the one day fair in Sandviken on saturday. Vision, Fly Dressing, Catch & Relax, ABU and some other companies was there to show new rods, reels and lines. In the flytying corner Emma, Niklaus Bauer, Niklas Dahlin, Mattias Drugge, Johan Klingberg and my self was tying everything from Pike to small gnats. I tied some diffrent patterns but mostly Cascade style flies because many of the visitors is going over to Scotland to fish springer in march/april. It was nice to meet and talk fly tying and fishing with bouth old and new friends.

Håkan from the Ice Hotel and Putte "Tummen" Fäldt
My tying space.. Eumer Corner!
Mattias Drugge, Emma, Niklas Dalhin, Johan Klingberg
Emma tying one of her amazing flies

torsdag 9 februari 2012

The Icelandic fly Snaelda

From the of Vulcanos and great Salmon rivers comes the Snaelda pattern. There are many versions in the Snaelda family but the most common ones must be the Orange/Yellow/Black version or the whole Black one. It's a very popular fly in Scotland, Russia and of course Iceland. I tie my Snaeldas with two diffrent bodies. I use yarn on one version and on the other I use Dubbing spun in a loop. The Dubbing version is my own favorite and it gives the fly some more attitude I think. You can tie this pattern in all diffrent sizes and use it through the whole season.

Pattern Recipe:

Tread: Black

Tube: Eumer Black

Tail: Yellow Bucktail, Orange Bucktail tyed in backward and the folded back. This will give the tail more volym with less material. 2 strands of Yellow Holo Flashabou and 2 Strands of Orange Holo Flashabou tied in over the Bucktail.

Ribb: Oval Silver Tinsel or Twisted Mimi Flat Braid.

Body: Black Dubbing in a loop and brushed out or Black Yarn. The body is cone shaped and should thickest at the back and thinest at the head. To shape the body and also add weight to the fly I use Eumer Craw Fish tubes or a reversed Tear Drop Tubes.

Hackle: First a short Yellow Cock Hackle and then a Orange Soft Hackle.

Head: Eumer Cone Head in Black or Fl Orange.

Even that the Snaelda looks like a simple fly it's not that easy to tie. It can be hard to get the cone shaped body in the right propotion but with some practise and with help from the cone shaped Eumer Tubes the flies will look good in no time.

måndag 6 februari 2012

Cascades for Spey... Part 2

In Part 2 of Cascade for Spey I will present two new patterns that I have tied in long tail Cascade style. First pattern out is the Black Ranger Cascade and this fly have been a big favorite of mine for many years because I just love the colour combinations from the original Black Ranger and when I transferd it to a zonker style fly a couple of years ago I have caught many fishes on it in all diffrent conditions and rivers.

Pattern Recipie:
Tread: Black Textreme

Tube: Eumer Black Large/Small combination

Tail: Yellow Bucktail, Hot Orange Bucktail, 2-4 strands of Holo Orange Flashabou. Then I wait to the fly is ready before making the tail Tiger Striped with a Black Permanent marker.

Ribb: Oval Silver Tinsel (Optional)

Body: 1/2 Black Holo Braid 1/2 Black Dubbing. I use a dubbing loop for the dubbing and secure the braid with a drop of super glue so I don't need any ribg on the fly.

Hackle: First a Black Soft Hackle tied in before the wing. Second a Dark Blue Soft Hackle tied in after the wing as a collar.

Wing: Tiger Barred Yellow and Orange Zonker Stripe. 2 strands of Orange Mirage Flash on top of the wing.

Cheeks: JC dyed Hot Orange

Head: Black Eumer Cone Head

The second pattern will be The Arndilly Fancy Cascade that I got the idea to from my good Scotish friend and fellow fisherman Willie Mair. He wanted me to try to make a Cascade version of this Spey pattern and it came out realy well and even that I don't have fished with the fly yet I know it's going to be a real killer!

Pattern Recipie:

Tread: Yellow

Tube: Black Eumer Large/Small Combination

Tail: Yellow Bucktail, Black Bucktail, 2-4 strands of Holo Silver Flashabou

Ribb: Oval Silver Tinsel (Optional)

Body: 1/2 Yellow Braid, Floss or Holo Yellow Braid 1/2 Yellow Dubbing

Wing: Black Rabbit Zonker. 2 strands of Yellow Mirage Flash.

Hackle: First a Black Soft Hackle. Second a Kings Fisher Blue Hackle both tied in after the wing as a collar.

Cheeks: JC dyed Yellow

Head: Fl Red Eumer Cone Head

I hope you like these patterns and will tie some to try this season.

Kastkurs med Mattias Drugge!

Nu är det hög tid att boka en kurs med Mattias Drugge och lär dig kasta Skagit, Underhands teknik och enhands kastning. För mer info och bokning: www.druggeflyfishing.com