The Fire Flame is just a great cold water pattern that I have had great sucsses with the last 5-6 years. It may look like something from a Drag show but it sure will catch fish. The combination of the colours comes together well in the water and it's there the flies will catch fish, not in the fly box.
Tread: Orange
Tube: Fl Orange Eumer
Ribb: Oval Gold Tinsel or Twisted Orange Mini Flat Braid.
Body: 1/2 Mirage Salt Water Flash 1/2 Hot Orange Dubbing.
Wing: A bunch of FL Fire Orange Bucktail tied in forward and the folded back, 2 strands of Holo Fuchsia Flashabou, 2strands of Holo Blu Flashabou. FL Red Fox Hair, 2 strands of Holo Red Flashabou, Blue Fox Hair, Purple Fox Hair, and 3 Peacook Hearls bleeched and dyed FL Red
Hackle: First, a Red Soft Hackle tied in after the red Fox hair. Second a Yellow Soft Hackle tied in after the wing as a collar.
Cheeks: JC dyed Hot Orange
Head: FL Orange Eumer Monster Cone or Cone Head.
I also make a zonker version of this pattern and just change the fox hair against a Fuchsia/Purple zonker stripe and the Peacook hearls against Holo Red Flashabou. I still use the FL Fire Bucktail as underwing.