lördag 30 mars 2013

Kastkurser med Mattias Drugge 2013

Nu är det dax att anmäla sig till någon av våren kastkurser med Mattias Drugge! Som vanligt kommer kurser hållas över hela Sverige i sammarbete med lokala redskapshandlare. Kurserna passar alal från nybörjare till proffs som behöver putsa lite på tekniken.

torsdag 28 mars 2013

The Synthetic GP on Tie TV

After a time of testing diffrent materials to make a 100% synthetic fly pattern for Salmon, Sea trouts (Sea run browns) and Steelhead I came up with the idea of the Synthetic GP made of Craft Fur. It's quit difficult to find a synthetic substitute to repalce the fur and feathers and I have been using Craft Fur before as wing material on my bigger tube flies and they have been catching fish for me since 2004. The original GP or diffrent versions with dyed tippet feathers have worked well for me especial for Sea trout fishing in the spring here in Scandinavia but its not the easiest fly to tie and not that easy to the get the "right" look on the fly or get it to swimm as it should. The synthehic version is easy to tie and can be made in lot of diffrent colours.The orange/red (were I mix the Craft Fur fibers) fl red, all white version that   You can watch me tie the GP on Tie TV on you tube and see how its done. It's just in Swedish but you will sure understand how to tie just by watching the video!