lördag 2 januari 2016

Happy New Fishing Year 2016

Stingrays in 2015 version

Well I must admit that 2016 was not the best fishing year for me but have had a great year anyway when looking back. Did start the season a bit to late as I had other stuff to deal with so I did miss the best part of the spring fishing at my local river and I also cancled my trip to River Lainio. Got some great days in River Stjördal  in  August with my buddies Allan and Dick but the fishing was slow with low water but we had fun anyway. The autumn/fall fishing was not the best but I got some Sea trouts (sea run browns) both in Ljungan and in Ljusne.

Nice to see my daugther Ello back on the river.

The best things with last season was that my daughter Ello picked up here rod again after some years and quickly got back into the fine art of skagit casting. Also the new OPST Commando heads that are designed by Ed Ward and Jerry French was released and I realy love to fish with those short "magic" skagit heads.

I have some plans for the 2016 season that includes a trip to Denmark and the Skjern Å Lystfiskeri Festival in may and also some fishing in Swedish and Norway is on the agenda.