the Flash Shadow
I got the idea for this pattern after seeing Niklaus Bauers outstanding Pike flies and we had a talk abouth why not try to do some flash flies for Sea trout and Salmon. So I satt down by the vise and started to think how to get this two diffrent tying style combined as one and the result was the the Flash Shadow. I going to use the fly for Sea trout fishing in cold water and as a night fly for Salmon for the whole season. I also think it could work well after a heavy rain when the water rises and gets brown coloured.
Recipie for the pattern:
Tube: Eumer Clear Plastic Small/Large
Body: 1/2 Holo Braid Silver. 1/2 Silver Holo Dubbing
First Hackle/Wing: White Deer Hair. Black Polar Bear. Black and Silver Holo Flashabou.
Second Hackle/Wing: Black and Silver Holo Flashabou. 4-5 Peacook Herl.
Sides: JC (optional)
Head: Eumer Medium Cone Head Black.
How To Tie:
When you tie this pattern you use the same material for both wing and hackle and just lay the flash around the tube in small bunches. The flashabou should be tied in the middle and then folded back to form the wing/hackle.
Start tie in the Silver Holo Braid and wound it forward to the half body length and then take the Holo Silver Dubbing on the other part of the body and brusch it out well so the body gets some volume.
Take the White Deer Hair and tie it in muddler style and fold it backwards and secure it with a drop of glue. Then you take a small bunch of Black Polar Bear and tie it in like a normal under wing so it will be a bit longer than the tube to prevent the flash to get tangled in the hook. Now comes the tricky part: Start with a small bunch of flashabou and tie it in over the polar bear and the you take small bunches and tie it round the tube. Wound the tying tread 2-3mm forward then fold the flash backwards and secure it with the tread and a drop of glue. Now the first part of the wing hackle is ready and you can start with wing/hackle number two.
Repeat the same procedure with a small bunch of flashabou on top then again tie in small bunches around the tube and wound the tread forward 2-3mm again and fold the flash backwards and secure it with the tread and glue. Now it's time to take the fly from the vise and cut it in the right shape. Put the fly back in the vise again and fasten the tread again. Tie in the Peacook Hearls on top of the wing.
Now wound a Black Marabou Hackle as a collar and the it's time for the JC feathers (optinal)
The fly is nearly ready now just secure the tread with a drop of glue and slide on the Eumer Medium Cone Head and the fly is ready for some action.
You can also take other patterns and make the as Flash tubes.